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Congress Registration Fee

Please read the congress registration fee and optional excursion fee details below, fill out the registration fee form and make payment by direct debit (ACH) or a credit/ debit card or Apple Pay/ Google Pay through the "Pay Here" button below.

Congress Registration Fee

XVIII World Congress 2024 Registration Fee Table V8 Curtailed to only OnTheSpot.jpg

* A proof of membership of one of the WCCES Constituent Societies will need to be provided (membership fee payment receipt of the current year, or a letter from the society confirming your membership)
** Please refer to the latest World Bank classification of countries by income (use the hyperlink entitled "current classification by income in XLSX format" given on the webpage to download the Microsoft Excel file) and provide proof of your citizenship/ residence status like passport, driving license, etc.
† A proof of current student status would need to be provided (school identity card or a letter from your school)

†† A proof of retired status will need to be provided 

^ Participation in either the first 3 days of the congress viz. July 22, 23 & 24, 2024 , the middle 3 days of the congress viz. July 23, 24 & 25, 2024 or the last 3 days of the congress viz. July 24, 25 & 26, 2024. Partial fee onsite participants will get full access to online component of the congress as well.
^^Each exhibitor will be provided stand space along with a 6 feet table, a chair, and a name tag. The Partial (First 3 days, middle 3 days, or Last 3 days) option is not available for exhibitors. Exhibitions are onsite only.

^^^Proof of family relationship with an already registered onsite participant will need to be provided

The onsite registration fee for participants includes access to all the congress academic activities (excluding partial fee participants who choose either the first 3 days, middle 3 days or last 3 days of the congress), congress reception and a welcome bag containing a name tag. Accompanying family members will have access to the opening (on Day 1 morning) and closing (on Day 5 morning) plenaries.

The congress will be conducted in purely face-to-face (onsite) mode on Day 1: Monday, July 22, 2024, Day 2: Tuesday, July 23, 2024, Day 4: Thursday, July 25, 2024, and Day 5: Friday, July 26, 2024.

The online component of the program will commence on the late evening of Tuesday, July 23, 2024 in Ithaca (New York), which will be the morning of Wednesday, July 24 2024 in Asia. The online component will continue till the early morning of Thursday, July 24 in Ithaca (New York) so that participants from various time zones in all the regions of the world get the opportunity of presenting their research.

The onsite participants will also be able to access the online component (from anywhere by using their own devices and Internet), while several of them will be touring for optional excursions on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. There will be no onsite sessions on this day.

For participants choosing the registration fee option for online mode, participation will be limited only to the online (virtual through Zoom) component of the program. In addition, they will be provided access to the live broadcast of plenaries.

Optional Excursion to Niagara Falls on Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Niagara Falls Excursion: Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Swarthout Coaches bus will load the participants at:

Robert Purcell Community Center (RPCC), Cornell University, 107 Jessup Road, Ithaca

6:30am Bus Arrives at RPCC to Begin Loading
7am Bus Departs for Niagara Falls
10am Bus Arrives in Niagara Falls
4pm Bus Departs from Niagara Falls for RPCC
7pm Bus Arrives at RPCC

The participants are requested to be ready at RPCC by 6:15 am. Only transportation to Niagara Falls is provided and all other costs like site/ boating tickets, food, etc. must be borne by the participants. 

Registration Fee Form

Please note:
(a) The amounts of different registration fee options mentioned in the registration fee table above DO NOT include credit card/ bank transfer/ PayPal transaction fee, which are estimated at around 3.5%-4%.
To avoid this fee, please use the "Pay Here" button below to make a payment through Zeffy, which does not charge any transaction fee for payments made to nonprofits like IOCES and WCCES. While paying the congress registration fee/ excursion fee through this button, in the second step you may select "Other" from the pull-down menu adjacent to the statement "Support the 100% free platform we use! ❤️️" and enter 0 to avoid paying this unnecessary fee charged by Zeffy.
(b) All fees paid for the congress (including registration and excursions) are non-refundable. 

Please make a secure payment to Indian Ocean Comparative Education Society (IOCES) through direct debit (ACH)  or through a credit/ debit card or Apple Pay/ Google Pay: 

Donations of any amount will be much appreciated and acknowledged. World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES) and Indian Ocean Comparative Education Society (IOCES) are both non-profit associations under Art 60ff ZGB of Swiss law and tax-exempt non-profit associations under section 501(c)(3) of Title 26 of the Code of Laws of the United States of America. Donations to support the travel of participants and students from low and lower-middle income countries to participate in the XVIII World Congress 2024 are particularly welcome:

XVIII World Congress Logo Design Courtesy of Ms. Clare Sharkley, Communications Officer, Futures of Learning and Innovation Team, Education Sector, UNESCO, Paris, France

Contact Us

XVIII World Congress of Comparative Education Societies

World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES)
UNESCO International Bureau of Education
15, Route des Morillons
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Geneva, Switzerland

For any questions please e-mail

For more info visit the WCCES website

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