XVIII World Congress of Comparative Education Societies
Fostering Inclusive Ecologies of Knowledge: Education for Equitable and Sustainable Futures
22-26 July 2024, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA
Online Day-3 Parallel Sessions - Set A
Day 3 - Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (USA)
Please see the corresponding time at your location by clicking on the hyperlink above.
Each presenter should present for about 15 minutes. In a 90 minute parallel session, there will normally be 5 presenters. Thus, about 75 minutes should be consumed in presentations while leaving about 15 minutes for discussion/ Q&A.
The Chair of a parallel session will determine a suitable time duration for each presentation depending upon the actual number of presenters in the session. It is important to start & finish the sessions on time in order to vacate the room for the next session. If the assigned Chair of a parallel session is absent for any reason, one of the participants should assume this role in consultation with the other participants.
Presenters are expected to bring their own laptops and connect to the AV projector to avoid computer virus transmission.
​Please do not view the schedule on your phone/ small screen as it may appear distorted.
Zoom Breakout Room 1
Chair: Mark Ginsburg, University of Maryland, USA
Legend Used:
Correct category registration fee paid
Incorrect category registration fee paid
Registration fee not paid
Panel 678
Mark Ginsburg, University of Maryland, USA
Michael Gibbons, American University, USA
Rezan Benatar, American University, USA
Alternatives in Education and Society: Imagining and Creating a Just, Sustainable Future
Zoom Breakout Room 2
Chair: Yoshiko Tonegawa, Waseda University, Japan
Paper 391
Isabela Cabral Felix de Sousa
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil
The need for interculturality for building a better social world
Paper 704
Chandler King, University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Review of the Literature "Segregation by Race in Charter Schools"
Poster 32
Indunil Hewage, Washington State University, USA
Understanding students’ mathematical thought processes through task-based interviews
Paper 1023
Nilofar Noor E., University of Toronto, Canada
Decolonizing education through technology-based learning activities
Paper 939
Yoshiko Tonegawa, Waseda University, Japan
Analysis of the Medium of Instruction in Primary Education in Ethiopia
Zoom Breakout Room 3
Chair: Norin Taj, University of Toronto, Canada
Workshop 313
Norin Taj, University of Toronto, Canada
Amber Noor Mustafa, Florida State University, USA
Field Research in the Global South: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities
Zoom Breakout Room 4
Chair: Elena Toukan Discussant: Sobhi Tawil
Panel 1202
Ashley Emmerton
Obrillant Damus
Rita Locatelli
Renewing the social contract for education: Can trust be restored for the future? (Part 2)
Zoom Breakout Room 5
Chair: Leon Tikly Respondent: Keith Holmes
Panel 1203
Budd L. Hall, Rajesh Tandon, Walter Lepore, Maureen Reed, Joan DeJaeghere
Transforming Knowledge for Just and Sustainable Futures Part 2: Implications for Research
Zoom Breakout Room 6
Chair: Stephen Heyneman, Vanderbilt University, USA
Panel 1088
Stephen Heyneman, Vanderbilt University, USA
N'Dri T. Assié-Lumumba, Cornell University, USA
Simona Popa, UNESCO IBE, Switzerland
​Quentin Wodon, UNESCO IICBA, Ethiopia
Publishing Education Research from the Global South: Challenges and Opportunities
Zoom Breakout Room 7
Paper 384
Debora Cristina Jeffrey,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
Affirmative action policy in Brazil: challenges for university management
Paper 169
Irene Torres-Arends, Yorkville University - University of Calgary, Canada
Spaces of Negotiation: International Students’ Academic Dynamics in the Third Space